Monday, December 3, 2007

"Doctor Make Me Beautiful!"

 Doctor Make Me Beautiful! is a novel-like piece that interacts directly with the reader. This source will be very useful for my paper in that it brings up the topic of employment and appearance. According to the text, " The older person who retains a youthful aspect has a better chance of getting, keeping, and advancing in employment-instead of being shunted aside for looking 'too old." Man and women of all ages are going out and having work done to make themselves appear younger, simply because they are afraid to lose their jobs to a younger, more attractive hot-shot. Society is very unforgiving to the unattractive, which is very unfair. 

There is also one specific quote I really like in this book, and it is actually more on the positive side; "It is increasingly apparent that even more important than how others see you is how you see yourself both in the mirror and in your mind's eye." How very true, if only people would actually listen to it. Generally speaking, people are naturally uncomfortable with their bodies, and advertisements and other forms of media presentation do not help the matter. They only increase the chances of self-criticism and dislike. 

1 comment:

Diane Elwood said...

I totally agree with you about plastic surgery and the workplace. My mom is going back to work at 50 years old and is finding it hard to get back into the swing of things when she is constantly battling against power-hungry employers who think she doesn't have the same capabilities as a 20-something year old. That part of the business world really frustrates me, and you're right, it IS unfair.